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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Finishing Up Perfect Water Band

Okay so we have had Perfect Water Band in the last little while. They have done an amazing job and have completed the last of there recording. We are putting the project into post production for mixing and mastering and we are all very excited to have a final product for them. These guys are super dedicated and are even ready to start on CD #2!!! We hope to have some of there stuff up soon, so everyone you will have to do with pics for now.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Behind the Scenes @ Electric Park studio

Well, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We here had a great time and even managed to get some turkey.
So turned out we ended up having Adverse Reaction in on Saturday. Check out the drum kit! It was a pleasure recording this instrument. We got some great tracks. Check out the above photos.
On Sunday we had a full day with the Perfect Water Band. These guys were nothing but professional. Their CD is pretty close to finished. And we are all super stoked for the final product.
This weekend we have Lowell Van Caroll coming in. We will be raping up phase one of the Lowell Van Caroll project. Keep an eye out for it, soon

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Busy Weekend!!!

 You all are probably looking forward to this weekend coming up with Thanks Giving and all. As for us here we will unfortunately have to pass on the turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. Hopefully we will have some amazing family members save us some leftovers or some thing, maybe a beer or  two:) We will be in full force recording the Perfect Water Band, and Lowell van Caroll. It will be full tilt and we are all very excited to get going with these projects. We are also all very excited to try out some new equipment that we just got in!!! Stay tuned for behind these scenes of Thanks Giving Weekend with Perfect Water Band and Lowell van Caroll.